Did you know that 22. 04. 2018 was a Day Of Earth? Do you know what is “greenhouse effect?” Are you sorting at home your trash? For us is important to take care of ecology, so our volunteers went to
Pula to participate and help promote this issue. Later they had also an ecologic lesson with the local children from kindergarten. You can find impression by our volunteers, below.
Gathering trash and workshop in Pula
Of course, we could have nice free weekend and spent it just with sunbathing, reading and drinking coffee. However, we knew that this weekend is Day of Earth and we decided to do something

We came to Croatia as volunteers so we should also behave as volunteers and help a little bit. First, we visited the beach Stoja to clean it. We don’t know how many kilograms we gathered, but just in 2 hours, we had enough trash to make the trunk of our car (Punto) full.
Next day we took some of the trash which we gathered during our living here in Croatia and tried to create something that will send a message.

This message supposes to share our idea of recycling, that only our own creativity is limiting the way how we use trash as a material for something unique and new.
The lesson of ecology for kindergarten
Last day we spent with children and teachers from kindergarten in Brtonigla (Dječji vrtić Kalimero).
For now, we are planning to do also some events here in Brtonigla, Umag and Novigrad so stay in touch with us!