19th of April we visited Highschool of Tourist and Hospitality Antona Štefanića. The presentation was focused on Erasmus+ project as Youth Exchange and European Voluntary Service. Students had a chance also meet our volunteers from Germany, Czechia, Italy and Macedonia. Volunteers told the students their personal experiences and their motives to go abroad for such a long time and how different stories and backgrounds they have.
The main goal of this visit was not only to offer them how to go abroad for free but also that these programs are great for self and long-life education. We spoke with them also about expectation, our work here, and what are conditions to take a part in these projects.

Erasmus is expecting some changes and with these changes came European Solidarity Corps, where programs like Youth Exchange and EVS will be moved. European Solidarity Corps has also completely new way ho to sing up for EVS as a volunteer. If you are interested in, we recommend you to visit this site!
At the end of the presentation, we played also videos we created during our flashmobs. Link to our Youtube channel is here!