2020-2021: Recruit Engage Author in Local Models of Solidarity (R.E.A.L.M.S.)
2019-2020: European Project, Ideas, Skills, Together in
Original Local Events (E.P.I.S.T.O.L.E.)
2018-2019: Team for European Networking (T.E.N.)
2017-2018: Youth Ideas Empower Local Democracy in Europe (Y.I.E.L.D. in Europe)
2016-2017: Acquisition of Competences to Improve Opportunities Now! (A.C.T.I.O.N!)
2015-2016: Social, Multicultural and Inclusive Life in Europe (S.M.I.L.E.)
2014-2015: Young Europeans’ Solidarity (Y.E.S.)
2013-2014: Volunteering in Small Areas (V.I.S.A.)
2013-2014: Youth for EU
2012-2014: Adria 3 – Rafforzamento e sviluppo della cooperazione con i paesi della sponda dell’Adriatico orientale
2012-2013: Get Involved in Local Democracy (G.I.L.D.)
2011-2012: Building Resources in Democracy and Global Environment for Youth Futures (B.R.I.D.G.E. for Youth Futures)
2010-2011: Group Rising Opinions and Working Together Humbly for EUROPE (G.R.O.W.T.H.)
2010: Exchanging Attitudes, Rules and Thinkings (E.A.R.TH.)
2009-2010: European Notion Values and Instruments for Revitalizing Original Natural Monuments as Environment Treasures (EU.N.V.I.R.O.N.M.E.N.T.)
2009-2010: Rebuilding the past: walking through the rural historical heritage