Project name:
Adria 3 – Rafforzamento e sviluppo della cooperazione con i paesi della sponda dell’Adriatico orientale.
Project duration:
from 01.01.2012 to 28.02.2014
Associazione paraplegici speranza e amore “Shoqata e paraplegjikeve shprese dhe dashuri”;
NASME – Direkcija Za Razvoj Malih i Srednjih Preduzećća ;
INFORMEST –Informest (Centro di servizi e di documentazione per la cooperazione economica internazionale;
UNIONCAMERE FVG – Unione delle Camere di Commercio del Friuli Venezia Giulia;
HATTIVA – S.c.s. Onlus;
Associazione Parco della Concordia;
Regione Istriana – Istarka Županija.
The project aimed to share good practices and knowledgeable experience in the field of agriculture among the regions of the Eastern Adriatic. In this regard, Local Democracy agency was crucial player in the protection of the biodiversity between the Istrian and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions according to the Rio de Janeiro Treaty in 1992. Accordingly, the local race of bees must be safeguarded from climate change and human interference in plants biodiversity, through training apiculturists, creating a network which would foster social entrepreneurship and sensitising the public about the crucial importance of bees in sustaining life through the creation of ad hoc events and workshops. Peculiarly, biodiversity was one of the main objectives which the Istrian region had to reach in order to align with European standards in terms of local biodiversity protection. Indeed, main activities included, but were not limited to:
- Cooperating with scientists and “Parco della Concordia” in the creation and publication of one academic research pertaining to the importance of protecting the biodiversity of bees. The resulting paper was disseminated among apiculturist from Gorizia, Trieste and Istria.
- Cooperating with “Parco della Concordia” in the creation of one informative brochure concerning the lifecycle of bees, disseminated in the elementary schools of Buie, Novigrad.
- Cooperation with Informest in the organisation of the final event where political and academic figures intervened.